3.混在の町ヘブロン/パレスチナ人、イスラエル兵、入植者 Palestnians,Israeli soldiers and Settler in Hebron

【English follows】ヨルダン川西岸随一の都市ヘブロン。ユダヤ教・イスラム教・キリスト教の祖であるアブラハム(イブラヒム)が、ヒッタイト人から買い取り家族の墓所とした「マクペラの洞窟」(ユダヤ教)「イブラヒム・モスク」(イスラム教)が旧市街に在る。カナン人の町として興ったヘブロンはユダヤ人、アラブ・イスラム教徒、十字軍、サラディーン、オスマン帝国と統治者を変え、ある集団が栄えては消え、また共存し、再興するという、兵どもの夢の跡を見るかのような、人間の全ての欲をない交ぜにしたような、めくるめく歴史を辿ってきた。町には、ユダヤ人、ムスリム、キリスト教徒が暮らしていたものの、19世紀末のシオニズム運動の活発化により、ユダヤ人が多く移住してきてからは、衝突が頻繁に起こるようになり、惨劇の舞台となり続けている。現在ではパレスチナ自治政府とイスラエル政府によって管理される2地区に分けられているが、旧市街中心地はパレスチナ人とイスラエル人入植者の住居が混在しており、イスラエル兵の姿を目にすることが多い。(ヘブロンの歴史と現在については、文章末に軽く書いています)








歩を進め、旧市街を通り抜けると、件のイブラヒム・モスクに辿り着く。周辺はイスラエル兵によって管理されており、ゲートを通り、チェックを受けてなければならない。金髪碧眼のアラビア語を話すイスラエル兵が、私の身分証明書をチェックしながらアラビア語で「名前は、、、あ、What is your name」と言い直していたのが、何故か印象に残った。



Hebron pottery and soldiersヘブロン陶器のお土産と向こう側の兵士




Soldiers at the entrance of the settlement and shops入植地前の兵士と入植地にかかった店
Shop between market and settlement (But inside of settelement gate)入植地との間の店。でも入植地ゲート内。


Young settlers walk in the closed market and Palestinian 閉鎖されたスークを歩き入植地に向かう若い入植者とムハンマド


Soldier follows in some area エリア内で兵士、ついてくる
Palestinian shop in the terrirory of Israeli settlementゲート内のパレスチナお土産屋










1538年のオスマン帝国時代にヘブロンの町にはイスラム教徒749世帯、キリスト教徒7世帯、ユダヤ教徒20世帯が、1922年のイギリス統治下ではイスラム教徒16074人、キリスト教徒73人、ユダヤ教徒430人がいたとされいる(出典:1922Census of Palestine)。



Hebron located in the southern part of West Bank has a rich history that had flourished as a centre of trade. In addition, the tomb of Abraham in the old town raises its importance as the sacred place for Jews, Muslims and Christians, and it has become the scene of many tragic events in the past and present.

Since the town was founded by Cananni, Hebron has been ruled by various powers, such as Jews, Arab-Muslims, Crusaders and the Ottoman empire. At the same time, the Jewish Herod’s castle which was built upon the grave of Abraham (Cave of Machpelah: Jews, Ibrahim Mosque: Muslim) has been transformed sometimes into Churches and Mosques. Throughout history Jews, Muslims and Christians have maintained their life in Hebron. However, since Jewish population increased due to the Zionism movement back in 19th century, the conflict between Jews and Muslims occurs frequently. The atrocities lived by both sides have divided Hebron into 2 sections (One under the Palestinian Authority and the other under the Israel government). The centre of the old town is mixed with Palestinian residences and Israeli Settlements, therefore many Israeli soldiers and Police officers have been stationing there. You might see some pictures that Israeli soldier point a gun at Palestinian children and also the rubbish stuck on the street roof net thrown by Israeli settlers who live on the 2nd floor to Palestinian residents who live on the ground floor.

When I walked in the deserted old town, I found a father and daughter who sell handmade embroidery on the street. Suddenly I remembered the day I visited their house in the first winter of 2015 in Palestine. On that day, I went up to the roof. It was obvious that their house was surrounded by Israeli settlers houses who raise the Israeli flags to show their existence. I looked over the old town while I felt the stare from Israeli soldiers who are stationed on the settler’s roof.

At some point during the visit, the father asked me about the current relationship between Japan and the U.S. who fought during WW2. I tried to explain simply because both didn’t have enough language abilities to communicate in English or Arabic. So I said: ‘‘The war ended. Now we have friendly relationship’’. However, he showed his extreme frustration and shouted: ‘‘How can you become friends? You fought each other hard. I can’t understand’’. Then I realized that saying such things to him while the conflict is ongoing doesn’t help him to understand because I’ve grown up in Japan where the war ended 70 years ago.

Those memories came to my mind when I saw him on the street, then I told him that I visited his house. The girl said that she remembers that. However, it seems that father’s mind was blocked after he noticed that I wasn’t going to buy the goods which he was selling.

We reached the gate which is installed in front of the Ibrahim Mosque (Cave of Machpelah for Jews). The area is surrounded by Israeli soldiers, and can’t enter the place without answering the questions from soldiers. The soldier who had blue eyes and blond hair asked me some questions, but firstly in Arabic. ” Shu ismik? Oh, what is your name”. It seems that Arabic occupied some part of his brain due to his daily communication with the Palestinians.

After we passed the iron gate, there was the market which bustled with many people since 13th century, however, most of the shops’ doors were physically welded together by Israeli soldiers and settlers.

We exchanged some words with shop owner Muhammad. This young guy opened his shop 5 years ago like his ancestors did in the past. He told us: ”In the past, 1,800 shops made a cheerful and brilliant atmosphere.Things have changed completely”. The Hebrew written potteries were displayed same like I saw in the pottery factory in Hebron which is for Jewish customers from abroad. I found the red tapestry with the Japanese language, which means praying for a thriving business. I can easily imagine a Japanese gave this to him due to his humble and friendly attitude. I explained the meaning behind this tapestry, however, I felt vanity because I couldn’t see any sign of a better situation in Hebron. I even felt sinful for the big words written upon the tapestry.

We went to another souvenir shop located just between the Settlement and a Palestinian area, but it feels to be more located in the Settlement area. In the front of the shop, two young Israeli settlers walked in front of me towards the gate to enter the settlement. Behind me there was a Palestinian Hajji (Middle age guy ) who witnesses that view every day while serving his Arab coffee to the Western tourists and inform them about his daily circumstances. It was somehow a surrealistic view!

When we were leaving the shop, Muhammad the owner of the other shop was waiting for us at the front of the shop. I asked him: ‘‘Were you waiting for us? ’’. He said: ‘‘You will be Ok but your Palestinian friend wearing Hijab could be harassed by the soldiers. I am just concerned’’.

We appreciated his concern and said goodbye to him and walked toward the iron gate again. The soldier with the blue eye who checked me at the gate sat on a chair near the gate during his break. He gave a charming smile and said something in Arabic, not to me, but to Muhammad and his friend walking behind us. All of them seem to know each other ( Israeli soldiers and local Palestinians).Both sides share jokes in Arabic and smiles. As an outsider, it seems that those young guys enjoyed their conversations, except one guy, the one carrying the gun.

Behind the soldiers, I overlooked to a Palestinian woman stuck behind the iron gate afraid whether she could pass the gate or not.

At the end of the summer day, I had some strange feelings and emotions running through my body outside the boundaries of having hope, facing reality, hopelessness, sadness, frustration and abandonment when I witness the life scene of Palestinians and Israelis.





