4.クーフィーヤとパレスチナ人 Kuffiyah as an identity for Palestinians

【English follows】中東から流れてくる映像内に、格子柄スカーフを巻く若者の姿を見かけたことがあるかもしれない。このスカーフは※クーフィーヤと呼ばれており、中東で従軍した欧米の兵士が自国に持ち帰ったことなども合わせ、中東以外の地域でもファッションの一つとしても取り入れられている。











22446967_1318341578292398_1325503764_n (1)そしてこの土地と密接に繋がり、人口の大部分を占める農村民たちは、パレスチナの地において常に占領に対する抵抗運動の主体となってきた。


Palestinian Arabs at Abou Ghosh take the oath of allegiance to the Arab cause to fight Jewish 1936Palestinian Arabs at Abou Ghosh take the oath of allegiance to the Arab cause to fight Jewish 1936



Members of the Palestinian Resistance, 1948 Institute for Palestine studiesMembers of the Palestinian Resistance, 1948 Institute for Palestine studies







You might have seen the guys wear the scarf with the diagonal pattern in the News from the Middle East. It is called Kuffiyah* and it became a fashion trend, especially in Western countries, because the returning soldiers who served in the wars in the Middle East brought the culture to their own countries.

(* There are the various name for this scarf such as, ‘‘Kuffiyah’’and ‘‘Hatta’’. However, I will use ‘‘Kuffiyah’’ in here. It is said that the original name of ‘‘Kuffiyah’’ is from Kufa city in Iraq that was founded as the military basement by 4th Caliph Ali in Islam in 638 and flourish until 10th century)

Particularly, the black and white Kuffiyah pattern has emotional nuances for the Palestinians and they identify themselves in it.

My friend Lama told me: ‘‘Well, Kuffiyah became the symbol of the Palestinian identity. Once you wear it among Palestinians it does not matter which colour of skin you carry. People see you as one of them right away. It is a way to express and show that you still remember who you are and the struggle you are living under occupation.As for the feeling, it makes me feel powerful when surrounded by Palestinians and bold and daring when surrounded by Israelis’’.

Her hometown is named Arrabah Al-Batouf located close to Mount Karmel in Israeli territory, a surviving Palestinian village after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

However, why Palestinian reflect their own identity in this black and white scarf a lot?

For so long, Kuffiyah existed with the local people who have led their life in nature. The villager and nomads made Kuffiya from wool and cotton to protect them from the strong sunshine and sand in the summer and freezing temperatures and winds in the winter.

My friend Yara said: ‘‘Kuffyah or hatta with white and black colour reflects the simplicity of a farmer’s life in the villages ’’, on the contrary, the Urban people wore Ottoman style hat ‘‘Tarbush’’ after the Ottoman period.

(Red and White Kuffiyah is heavier, so Bedouin (also popular in Gulf and Jordan) tend to wear this. However, Palestinian also wear Red and White Kuffiya because of its warmness in the winter. In addition, after the Ottoman period, Urban Hebron residents wore Kuffiyah and residents of Nablus wore Turkish Tarbush on their head.)

The Villagers who are called ‘‘Falaheen’’ in Arabic took the initiative of the Resistance against the British mandate and the Jewish organizations by then.

After the corruption of the Ottoman Empire, British mandate soldiers were met with the anger of Palestinians because they robbed in the villages and arrested many Palestinians who were suspected of resisting the British policies and the huge influx of Jews to the land of Palestine. Finally, the Arab-revolt occurred in 1936 against British and Jewish armed groups.

During this time, the people in the villages ‘‘Falaheen’’ plunged themselves into the revolution covered their faces with Kuffiyah which was part of their daily life to avoid being identified by British soldiers and their spies. However, it made British side to distinguished the member of revolution easier, therefore the Palestinian revolutionary command issued a decision to wear the Kuffiyah to all the people in the cities. This event raised the solidarity among Palestinians, and I might say this was the important point for Palestinians to develop their identity as Palestinians while taking part in the revolution.

Decades after, one of the founders of Fatah movement which aimed to free Palestine and fight against Israel Yasser Arafat appeared on the stage with the symbol of revolution Kuffiyah. As you see above, I may say this is how the black and white Kuffiyah gained its status as a symbol for the Palestinians through the series of resistances.

(The side of communist groups which were established after Fatah, such as PFLP, wears Kuffiyah with red and white, due to red as Communist symbol colour, to show the difference between Fatah. You can see the political favour if you see youth were red-white Kuffiyah, however, there might be no political meaning if elderly people wear red-white Kuffiyah in Palestine.)

Historically, Palestine which is located between Africa and Eurasia continents flourished as the crossing point for the trade. Especially the textile industry which was popular in Hebron and Gaza (It is said that the origin of Gaze is from Gaza city ).

However, there is only one Kuffiyah producer who remains in Palestine which is Herbawi textile factory in Hebron.

The factory founder Mr. Yasser Harbawi imported headscarves from Syria before he established his factory in the 1960s. The Hebronian business-wise Mr. Yasser realized the demand of Kuffiyah because of the rise of the nationalism in Palestine. He imported textile machines from Japan in the 70s, and the factory produced 10,000 garments yearly. However, the amount of production declined due to the influence of Israeli occupation, Paris protocol for the economy and the Chinese production of Kuffiyah. But the situation has improved after the Palestinian Authority changed their policy to tax Chinese made Kuffiyah and other foreign products by local lobbyists. In addition, the Kuffiyah have been exported abroad due to a huge popularity of the Palestinian issue.

In the factory, a few craft-men worked while I kept the feeling that I want to dance because the looms beat the rhythm. One elderly ‘‘Hajji’’ craft-man stopped working and blew up a kiss as a welcoming gesture, which was his way of saluting friendly. My heart was filled by warmness while I realized the difficulty to continue the business of the small factory in Palestine. I closed the door of the rhythmic machine room and said goodbye to the factory.

