7.やり場のない憤りと諦めのパレスチナ/ Life with limitations, frustration and abandonment in the West Bank-After Trump’s statement on Jerusalem –

トランプの「エルサレム承認」後、パレスチナ人若者らとの日々。My days with young Palestinians after Trump's declaration, felt their depression.

6.オリーブを摘みに、入植地を、C地区を抜けて。Visiting olive fields through settlements, roads under Israeli control and Area C.

オリーブを摘みに行くには、右左に入植地を見ながらC地区を抜けねばならなかった。To pick olive in a village, I had to pass Area C through the Israeli control road with the view of many settlements.

5.約束の地カナンとオリーブの木 Olive trees in the Promised Land Canaan

旧約聖書の記載から人々とオリーブの関係を見るThe history of Olive tree and people in this region since Bible times.