7.やり場のない憤りと諦めのパレスチナ/ Life with limitations, frustration and abandonment in the West Bank-After Trump’s statement on Jerusalem –

【English follows】トランプ大統領のイスラエルに関する宣言の後、私はパレスチナ人のやり場のない憤りと諦めを改めて実感することになった。中でも、すでに占領状態であったパレスチナで生まれた若者たちの脳裏には、10数年前のイスラエルによる町の破壊が強く残り、日常生活でぶち当たる様々な制限やイスラエル兵の存在により戦意を削がれてしまっている者も多い。そのような環境下で、パレスチナ人若者が呟いた「Kei,僕はこの地で、息が出来ないんだ」という一言は、噛めば噛むほど考えれば考える程じわじわと私に染み込み、不思議な掴みようのない気持ちを広げていっている。よって、今回は、トランプ大統領の宣言後の数日間でのパレスチナ人との会話を中心に書くことにした。


Ekrema at his village Beit Duqqu with Armond flowersエクレマ地元のベイト・ドゥッコ村にて アーモンドの木の傍で




Wall painting relate to Intifada 「インティファーダ」と書かれた壁画
Wall painting of the Palestinian ‘Leaders’ with Molotov cocktail. This painting becomes popular after the Second Intifada火炎瓶を投げるパレスチナ人の絵。この画は第二次インティファーダ後で広まりだした。


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Arabic coffee and beautiful small pot アラブコーヒー。アラブ諸国に行くと「アラブ」の名の代わりに各国の名を冠す。


Kunafa shop in the Old city of Nablus ナブルス旧市街のカナーフェ屋さん



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Beit Ardi with soft sunlight 柔らかな日差しが差し込む。私は茶をしばく。
Beit Jedi in Nablus ナブルスのカフェ


At Beit Ardi -picture from their facebook page, My friend and I are in the picture while we were discussing about the guys in the Arab world お気に入りのカフェ 焚火の向こうで話込む友人と私
Fancy car in the front of Wall painting ‘Fighting’ 高級車の向こうの壁画「戦い」


I also spend my time at the cafes to talk nothing because there is not so much options to do.私もパレスチナ人の若者と同様、遊びの選択肢が少ないために大半をカフェで過ごす。


Israeli army vichle behind me, but it’s OK.イスラエル軍の車 後ろ。だから何ってことはないけど。
Settler carries the gun 腰に銃を差しこむ入植者


Waraq Inab I am in love with this.ダワーリ 大好き。摘んだブドウの葉を冷凍して、保存しておく。http://www.artopedia.com/kitchen/Waraq%20Inab.html


Coffee in the olive field made with the part of fan オリーブに囲まれコーヒー。扇風機のカバーを使用


Palestinian protesters run during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near the West Bank city of Ramallah
Palestinian protesters run during clashes with Israeli troops at a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near the West Bank city of Ramallah December 7, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman – RC12A6ECC9C0
By Iyas Abu Rahmah
DCO check point
Near Beit El By Miriamah


I couldn’t come back to Ramallah because of blockade by Palestinian 催涙ガスは目に染みた。この時はパレスチナ人が石などで道を塞いでいたので、この道からはラマッラに入れず。



In the foront Palestinian village, Israeli control road is over there with lined lights パレスチナの村。左側に均一に並ぶ街灯がイスラエル管理の道路


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Jaffa hardly to reach for the Palestinian ジャッファ、パレスチナ人殆ど行けない。
Tel Aviv, you can see but you can’t go テルアビブ、見えるけど行けない。


Rawabi ラワビ


By Iyas Abu Rahmah


Clash in Jericho 向う側で衝突
Separation wall wall wall.壁、壁、壁
Check point without the soldiers 兵士のいない検問所


Checkpoint in Jenin. They ask me that I have arms or not. I don’t. 検問所。いつも武器を持っているか聞かれる。持ってない。



Greeting for the Prisnors who get out from the Prison 牢屋から出た人への祝福の言葉

After Trump’s statement on Jerusalem – Life with limitations, frustration and abandonment in the West Bank

I haven’t written the last part of my articles about Olive picking. However, I recently felt Palestinian people’s powerlessness, frustrations and unfocused expressions of anger because of the circumstances caused by President Donald Trump’s declaration on Jerusalem. I felt this especially from the words of a guy who expresses his feeling about life in the Occupied Palestine. Therefore, I will write about my days with Palestinian mainly focused on the conversation we have after President Trump’s decision on the status of Jerusalem.

It was an ordinary morning on the day after Trump’s declaration about the status of Jerusalem. I went to the office as I always do. To know what Palestinians think about this issue, I asked one of my colleagues Ekrema who is a member of Fatah in his village; ”What do you think about what Trump said?”. He laughed and answered; ”Oh Kei, he is really… What can I say? Whether Trump said Jerusalem is the capital of Israel or not, currently Jerusalem is already under the control of Israel. Jerusalem has been controlled by Israeli soldiers and police officers, and Israel authority maintains the infrastructures. Does anything change on the ground after this statement? Jerusalem is already under control of Israel!”

He as a Falaheen (which means agricultural village people who have played an important role in Palestinian history Ref. Article No.4) is the member of Fatah in his region. He participated in Fatah’s movement even before the First Intifada in 1987. He lost his ankle during First Intifada, also the youngest brother who was 24 years old in 2004 during Second Intifada. Both of them were shot by the Israeli army and dead.Last year was catastrophic for him because Israeli army arrested his two sons. The older one was arrested due to political speech in his university (He was arrested without any information about the reason of charge), and the second son was arrested due to breaking the Israeli Fence between Palestine and Israeli control area. However, now both of them got out from the Prison after being captured for nearly one year.

I asked a female colleague who is in her late 20s; ”What do you think about the situation? Hamas calls for the Intifada though”. She sighs; ”Yes, but…Hmm, I don’t want another Intifada again”.

During the Second Intifada (2000 to 2005 ), the Israeli Helicopter flew over the sky upon the city of Ramallah, and air-strike bombed Ramallah. On the ground, Israeli tanks and soldiers took leisurely strides. The Palestinian youth who are now 20s to 30s spent their childhood in such environment, and the image of that time are still haunting their memory.

Another female colleague who is the almost same age as me added: ”During the Intifada, The water and electricity were cut around one month…We evacuated to my parent’s hometown in Jenin. All family members stayed in the same house. It was hard for us. ” However, at the same time, it is said that around 400 residents in Jenin refugee camp were killed during Second Intifada. Almost every day, she and I go to Café to drink coffee before we go to our work office.

That night, I went to Palestinian sweet shop to eat Kunafa with my friend from Indonesia. Kunafah was so sweet as always, and most of the shops in town opened.

Next day, almost all of the shops in Ramallah participated in the Strike which was called by Fatah (Day of Rage – Palestinian Authority). My favourite café closed in the afternoon; even though they opened in the morning before. The reason for the closure might be the criticism that they receive from the people. However, I was starving. So I went to the supermarket where their primary customers are foreigners or rich Palestinians. Usually, this kind of place opens even in such situation. But the entrance was closed. I asked Hajji (Mid-age man Ref.Article No.2) around the shop. I found out that the customer had to enter through the storage door secretly. The supermarket tried to hide that they were open for business. I was overwhelmed with the desire to eat the meat, so I only bought meat while other customers bought much stuff for the commodities and foods to prepare for emergency situations. I am not sure about the effectiveness of Palestinian Strike in the Palestinian territory. However, the way to express and show the anger might be so limited for Palestinians who can’t go to Jerusalem and Israel. The options are doing strike, throwing stones and say something in the Social Media and so on. On the day, my plan was to attend a reception in Tel-Aviv, but it was cancelled because of the clash and closure of the checkpoints. In such situation, clashes near Checkpoint are the basic things that happen.

It is so difficult for the Palestinian to get out from the West Bank, even travelling in the West Bank already has many restrictions such as sudden road closure and checkpoints. Recently, Ramallah (Kind of Palestinian Capital in Practice) is developing. However, the things what you can do are extremely limited in this small area (Maybe you only need 10 to 15 minutes to drive through Ramallah by car). I see many young guys driving luxury cars crazily and spend their time in fancy cafés with their friends. For me, it seems like they try to distract themselves from frustrations and abandonment, which are caused by the limitations due to the occupation.

To add to our limitations and boredom in Ramallah, my friend Yara and I had too much time on our hands. We roamed around to find some café which opens during the strike and found the cosy café called ‘‘Costa’’ which opens in a few month. We wonder if this ‘‘Costa’’ café is the one which we know, however, it did not matter because we found an open café! After a while, young guys riding motorbikes passed the front of the café and stopped. I expected what would happen because the café that we found was open. The guys started to blame the worker in the café; ”Why do you open the café?”. To sum up, ”Join the strike because everyone does. If you don’t join, we will destroy the shop. In this case, they would break the window and door, and mess the inside of the shop. There is strong ideology, which is, ‘‘ Palestinians have to be united to strive to get back their lands and independence’’.

Next day, another party was cancelled because it was planned to be held at the American Colony in Jerusalem. The endless blue sky was perfectly clear. I was not going to be trapped in Ramallah so I called my friend in Zawiya village where I picked up Olive in the field surrounded by a bunch of settlements. ”I want to go to your village”. He answered; ”I just came back from Hebron. The road was fine and there were no problems. But it may be better to come before 12 pm”. The Palestinian villages close to the settlements are the ‘Frontline’. There is the possibility that the clashes with Israeli settlers and soldiers in these villages might provoke the spread of the clashes to entire Palestine. And it usually happens after they gather in the Mosque on Friday afternoon. Therefore, I left Ramallah in the morning to arrive at Zawiya before 12 pm. The gate wasn’t closed. I passed the settlements and Olive farms. I saw a few more Israeli soldiers on the way than normal days. However, the lands next to the road were filled with fresh green because of recent rain. That brightness made me feel that I am in the Spring even though I saw the soldiers beyond that beautiful land.

When I arrive in Zawiya, my favourite Dawali (Waraq Inab), which is the rice rolled with grape leaf, was prepared. The father of the family said ‘‘Taiim’’when he tasted. I thought he said ‘‘Taybe’’ which mean ‘‘Tasty’’ in Syrian or Levant Arabic. So I asked; ‘‘Syrian Dialect ?’’. But he answered; ‘‘Hebrew!’’ with a burst of deep, loud, hearty laughter. Also, the family named their cat [Halamish] from the name of a settlement nearby. Here’s the ultimate black humour.

At the sunset time during Sabbat, which is Judaism’s day of rest and seventh day of the week, a music flow with the wind over the mountains from settlements. We gathered stones and branches to make fire and tea at the foot of the mountains. We picked the herb around and floated them on boiled water. After tea time on the field, each of us walked through the mountain to pick the leaf for the dinner which the father loves but young generations don’t. While the boy with us hung a stone with strings and swung it, my friend Muhammad asked him with a joke; ‘‘Are you preparing for the Intifada? Hahaha’’.

The young man rode a horse and carried sunset behind him, and the pony was following, toddled with unsteady steps. The field surrounded by settlements, and welcoming the night, Muhammad and I prepared another tea and discussed about the life and the relationships between man and woman seriously but stupidly.

After the sunset, I received a phone call from my friend Ramz (a fictitious name) in Ramallah. ”I thought you get bored because all the shops closed”, he said. Maybe he got bored for that reason. I drove back from Zawiya to Ramallah in the early darkness at the beginning of the winter. There were no soldier nor blockade.He picked me up on the way , and we drove in his fancy car around Ramallah with no specific aim. On the way, he started to murmur; ”Today, my friend went to Beit El /DCO Checkpoint and threw stones to Israeli soldiers even though I told him not to go. But he didn’t listen to any of my words. Joining the clash with Israeli soldiers is already decided in his heart.’’  One of the Israeli checkpoint ‘‘Beit El ” ( The Name means [The house of God – El – who is Canaan God] ) in Ramallah has appeared in Media as a Clashing point in West Bank after the Trump declaration. I asked him in an ironic manner with a negligent air. ‘‘So what will change if he throws the stones?’’. He answered me a little sternly. ‘‘I do understand what you mean. But you have to know one thing about him. He got shot by Israeli soldiers a few years ago. The bullets went through close to his heart, so he hovered between life and death. He can walk now. However, it affects his physical ability until now. He believes something will change if he joins the resistance, and he thinks he has to go and fight Israeli’. At that moment, I felt a sense of deja vu. ‘‘Hm, I feel like I heard the same kind of story today… Ah, Muhammad told me about the time when he visits his friend who got shot in her body’’.

Ten minutes away from Ramallah, we arrived a village with Christian origin called Birzait which was decorated with simple but pretty lovely lights for Christmas. That day, Ramz seems a little bit depressed because of the situation. So I asked; ”What do you think about the issue of Jerusalem?”. He answered; ”I feel so sad. So I went to Manara where the demonstration was held because I felt so sad. There were not too many people. But as a result, if Intifada occurs or the clash developed, the Israeli army come and destroy the road, infrastructure and shops, everything. After the Intifada, who will suffer? Us. I know it. As a result, what will change?’’I asked this young guy who is in his late 20s if there is a turning point, not to act with taking the risk. ‘‘As I told you, my friend got shot, and it affects his life later with the physical disability. Also, two of my relatives have been in prison more than ten years for no reason. One of them is around 35 years old and he spent ten years of his life in the prison and he has to stay for four more years. Many people are in such situation around me. If you do something, the result is Israeli soldiers will come to your house in Palestine and arrest you. That’s it. Then who would be affected? The family and the people around you. I do not want to make my mother and sister sad because of me. So I am not going to put myself in the risky situation which would only cause the problems’’.

We passed by a checkpoint without Israeli soldiers. Just 10 meters from it, there were extremely bright splendid lights in front of us. Those shining lights, which you can’t find in Palestine, are from Tel-Aviv and Jaffa in Israeli territory and most Palestinians can hardly reach those places. The romantic night view spread like the boundless expanse of the sea, awash with light. On the contrary, the torch from Palestinian villages and street-lights line up equally from settlements completes quietly in front of them.

Before we went back to Ramallah, we stopped by a new city called Rawabi is the first planned city built for and by Palestinians who is a wealthy Palestinian businessman aiming to establish a new type of Palestinian city. There has been some criticism of the city because of the rumour about the founder’s relationship, who is Palestinian, with Israel. However, even though, Ramz told me; ‘‘I think this is the good project. We need new things. We need new challenges’’. It seems he said himself to believe in some breeze, which could lead the future of Palestine.

Our drive without specific aim, and with limited options was about to end and we prepared  to go back to Ramallah. While he drove, his lips form words slowly. ”Young Palestinian has been suffering because of the frustration. There is no outlet for their anger or sadness. There is no place to go, nothing to do. Finally, we reach the point where we realize what would happen if you take action. Nothing will change”. The West Bank has an area of about 5,600 square kilometres. Almost 60% of the land is the under the control of Israeli authority while 20% of it, is so-called Area A and it belongs to the Palestinian Authority. However, the Israeli army can come whenever they want due to the ‘‘security cooperation’’.

He said painfully; ‘’Kei, how can I say. I cannot breathe here. I feel smothered being surrounded by limitations that we have’’.

In Palestine, as the quality of life is improving, people start having properties, such as cars and houses with loans. Also, everyone has their own life, which they want to protect for the future. As a person who works in the ‘‘International development’’ sector, I might say this ”Result” could be the ‘‘Success’’ of ‘‘Conflict prevention’’ efforts. International donors supply and satisfy the basic human needs in the field; it also aims to encourage the youth not to participate in armed group or violent actions. Now, the life of the Palestinian is changing to a more modern and western way, especially in Ramallah. Besides, it seems like Palestinians realized how it would be difficult to fight Israel, which is massively backed by the U.S, the ‘Peace inter-mediator between Israel and Palestine’. To solve the problems, sometimes the intensive social movement and its continuity are also required to shake the authority. However, I am wondering how much power remains with Palestinians even if the people have to put their own lives in danger or take a risk after the Palestinians experienced armed attacks by the Israeli army during the Second Intifada. Surely, I wouldn’t like Palestinians youth and children to put their lives in danger. Because as a result, as Ramz know, I know and all know, they would get injured or lose the rest of their life in the Israeli prison or the worst case, that is very likely, they would die, as frequently written by the newspaper as ‘‘Shot and dead’’ incidents. If you would die due to be killed by Israeli, the great applause will greet you as a martyr in the hometown after Israel had kept your dead body around one month. Your picture would be everywhere in the town. However, the cheer won’t reach your ears, and you can’t go through the stones because you are already ‘‘Shot and dead’’.

